We have all done it and we all hate it, that word DIET!
We know, we know... It's not a diet, it is a life style change.
I can not even fathom the amount of weight-loss ideas I have tried...
one thing I can tell you, I know the real problem. Myself.
You can not do it for anyone else but yourself.
If you don't WANT it then what is the point?
And yes! Life style change is right.
Eat Better, Feel Better.
I have so much inspiration around me right now...
and I do believe you feed off that.
The more people you have leading you in the right direction,
the easier losing those extra pounds will be.

This Motivational Monday,
you can join me if you'd like...
By taking little steps...
for big results.
The salad instead of Fries.
A walk instead of TV.
Water instead of Pop.
No more fast food,
More home-cooked meals.
Less excuses,
more exercise.
Don't just jump into another Diet...
take it slow, and day by day.
Set a goal and DO IT!
Plan for a healthy future and don't look back.
My Goal: Loose 30 lbs before my 24th birthday (November, 25th)
Break it down... that's ONLY 10 lbs a month...
& to workout at LEAST 3 times a week.
If I can do it, YOU CAN DO IT!
On Monday's I will try to post tips and tricks for a healthier lifestyle. and progress on how I'm doing...
I will try and keep you motivated,
If you can do the same and help me.
For now... set a gold for yourself.
Lets work together... Together we can.
Whether you trying to Lose 10 lbs or 100lbs,
Let's inspire each-other.
HERE for Everyday inspiration:
KYNICADA GET FIT Facebook Group.
This is a "Closed" Group
only those who Join can see.
A place to post:
- Progression Pictures
- Weekly Weigh In's
- Tips
- Insperational Quotes
- Workout Ideas
- Recipes
- Before/After Pics
- Progress Results
of our Healthy Lifestyle Journey Together.
Let's Get Fit! I'm ready to feel good again!
And I know you are too :)
Follow me on myfitnesspal: kynicada
This is one of my favorite Calorie Tracking Apps... If you don't have it, GET IT!
Here is the last chubby picture you will see of me....
Are you ready to post yours?
Remember, Together we can. Let's Inspire one another!